(How appropriate
'April Fool's day' as Osho I heard was known as a 'mad clown.'
BTW Rasa knows almost nothing about Osho and so this dream is not based on
human information.)
Something extra special is going on. I am hanging out with Osho and I am trying hard to get along, and have a good relationship.
We are out 'on the town' and although this is nebulous, I believe we went to dinner. Later, this is confirmed.
But after dinner, as usual, when you date a guy, they want to go home with you and have sex. Now I do want to bring him home, and I am rather tempting him to do so, but at the same time I am worried about my celibacy. Will he be disappointed?
I end up home alone. Where is he? Why did he leave? I go back to the restaurant hunting for him, and one of the waiters helps me out. He gives me the address of where Osho went, so I can find him, it is '59'. (This waiter is privy to secret information.) I already know the street, and I head out to '59.'
I am truly amazed when I get there, to see what Osho likes. It is an extremely pointed corner of the street, where all sorts of colorful characters hang out, mostly transvestites. And Osho loves this! He loves being with them - he is gay I fathom - and this is his milieu. There is a sweet jovial feeling about him.
After seeing this, I try and be 'one' with him again, getting him to my apartment. We do have a closeness like this. He sits in front of me, wearing a sort of soft, tweed three-piece suit, speckled. Dark colors like brown, with little specks of lighter shades.
I touch him all over his body like shoulders, sides of waist and thighs, in an affectionate way. He is smiling. I say to him,
'You are thin, and that's the kind of man I like.'
I was thinking in terms of sex. I like thin men for sex. In a sense, I managed to have my way with him of sorts. But it took two tries.
"Something extra special is going on. I am hanging out with Osho and I am trying hard to make a good impression because I want him around me - do not want him to be bored and leave or something."
MEANING: Osho - when you dream of a celebrity make sure it is actually the celebrity, and that the star is not a symbol of someone else, or God clothed as the celebrity. After a few days of thinking, I believe Osho is really Osho, and not a symbol of someone or something else.
I do not want him to be bored because I am seeking union or oneness with him - union of hearts and spirits, which means love. I love him and want him to love me.
"We are out 'on the town' and although this is
nebulous, I believe we went to dinner. Later, this is confirmed."
Being 'out on the town' as well as 'dinner' indicates that I
made spiritual contact with Osho and we shared COMMUNION.
"But after dinner, as usual, when you date a guy, they want to go home with you and have sex. Now I do want to bring him home, and I am rather tempting him to do so, but at the same time I am worried about my celibacy. Will he be disappointed?"
MEANING: Sex represents ECSTATIC DIVINE UNION, the highest form of spiritual love. His not being here shows he was not at that level, a level that is given to those who have made the sacrifice of physical sex, and are therefore, truly 'dead to self.'
"I end up home alone. Where is he? Why did he leave? I go back to the restaurant hunting for him, and one of the waiters helps me out. He gives me the address of where Osho went, so I can find him, it is '59'. (This waiter is privy to secret information.) I already know the street, and I head out to '59.'"
MEANING: 'Home alone' is that at some point, I could not have contact with Osho. We separated. Like the lover in 'Song of Songs,' I go searching for him.
I return to the place where we had communion - represented by restaurant. There an angel (waiter) gives me secret information.
'59' is the place or point where Osho was 'at' and why he cannot have 'ecstatic divine union' with me. (Of course in heaven, he is certainly in a state of perfection and has ecstatic divine union, but this is a story in which God gives me a 'secret' and so, the facts are according to how he was on earth, not how he is in heaven.) He was less than perfect in this regard - the area of celibacy, the area of being 'dead to self.' If he were perfect, he would be a '69.' This number represents perfect union, as when the lovers do a '69'. It is like the circle of perfection, Ourboros, and God and the flesh becoming an unbroken union. The 'snakelike' symbol of '69' also refers to the kundalini shakti being complete throughout the body.
"I am truly amazed when I get there, to see what Osho likes. It is an extremely pointed corner of the street, where all sorts of colorful characters hang out, mostly transvestites. And Osho loves this! He loves being with them - he is gay I perceive - and this is his milieu. There is a sweet jovial feeling about him."
MEANING: Extremely pointed corner is a 'strong point' or an emphasis, like an exclamation point. (Frequently a perfect corner or sharp corner could mean the triangle of Holy Trinity, but by discernment I see another meaning. Always judge the symbol by the context of the entire dream.)
Then the street people, transvestites and gay scene point to - like an exclamation - Osho liked to have fun, and he liked this kind of fun!
In other words, this kind of fun kept him from the 'perfect score' of 69 in spirituality, but he scored a 59 anyway, which is close. It would be like being a '9' instead of '10' in spirituality. And here the angel tells me why Osho did not 'go home' with me. That means being 'one' with me in celibacy.
"After seeing this, I try and be 'one' with him again, getting him to my apartment. We do have a closeness like this. He sits in front of me, wearing a sort of soft, tweed three-piece suit, speckled. Dark colors like brown, with little specks of lighter shades."
MEANING: Getting him to my apartment is the 'second try' of having 'ecstatic divine union.' My apartment, of course, is the place of perfect oneness where such a thing can occur. It is perfect death to the flesh, perfect celibacy and poverty of spirit.
He is now in a place of suffering. The suit says it all. He is in the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL and there are only minor 'specks of light'. On earth, it was during the time of his greatest trials. I am the closest to him at that time - not when he was having earthly 'fun.' Three-piece suit also means Trinity, to indicate this dark night came upon him by God's grace.
"I touch him all over his body like shoulders,
sides of waist and thighs, in an affectionate way. He is smiling. I say to
MEANING: The 'I' in this dream, is God. My Atman is here saying 'God touched him all over his body.' Which means he was in a complete state of suffering or spiritual poverty.
It was at that time that he was closest to God, and that is why he is smiling. We are now having the closest divine union possible between him and me. This hearkens back to his earthly life, and creates a metaphor.
"'You are thin, and that's the kind of man I like.'"
I was thinking in terms of sex. I like thin men for sex. The penis sticks out better on a thin man. In a sense, I managed to have my way with him of sorts. But it took two tries.' '
MEANING: The first try would represent where Osho reached, that he did reach a level of spirituality of communion with God. But the second level, that of perfection, was difficult to reach.
Thin here is as in starving or gaunt. He was starving for pleasure and consolation, he was poor. He might have been starving for the presence of God as well. In a situation like that, a person is closer to God and therefore, has more grace. I think of the penis because in my dreams, penis is a channel of grace at the absolute most intimate times. What an appropriate symbol! Then (poor) where the penis (vessel of grace, like tube or conduit of grace) is more effective.
an amazing story this dream tells! Osho was not perfect when he was having
fun, but closest to it at the time of his great trials.
WERDER APRIL 1, 2006 |
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